Friday, February 22, 2013

James Jordan Darling

James Jordan Darling was diagnosed with leukemia (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia - A.L.L.) at the age of nine months.

On Christmas morning of 2005, James passed away at the age of five.   I am his father, James Charles Darling.  I created this blog with the hopes of being able to share the story of his life.  From birth, and the joy that we felt as parents, to diagnosis, remission, relapse and ultimately his passing. I remember the feelings of absolute shock, helplessness and fear of what was to come the day he was diagnosed.  I had no idea how our lives were about to change.

My hope is to reach parents/families struggling with the loss of a child, and even those who are in the beginning stages of diagnosis.

In the almost six years that James was with us, he taught me many valuable lessons about love, laughter, family, even humility.  Despite all of the challenges that we faced as a family, I hold dear to the many beautiful memories that we made during his precious time with us. 

I hope that this blog provides hope, and is an inspiration to whomever stumbles across my page.  I can only provide you with my perspective of what it is like to experience such adversity, and how I was able to overcome, but never forget. I hope that when James smiles down upon me that he is proud of me and who I became, and that his death was not in vain. 

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